Gray, which is the color of the sky in France, is also the color of truth itself, of that truth which tempers the impetuosity of enthusiasm and restrains the spirit within the middle spheres of precise reason.
Our Mission
We strive to create a news media and information platform free of bias. We recognize that it will be difficult to build a new media organization without the backing and expertise of established media, but it is important that this be done right, and do this right it has to be done independently. If we accept assitance and funding from an established news organization, we cannot be truly independent of them and we therefore lose the trust of viewers who came to us because we endeavered to be what the old media couldn't or refused to be.
Turn on the evening news from given national station on any given night, and and it seems you will only hear from an organization with an agenda via reporters/commentators with an agenda. A news and information organization that provides fact-based reporting and episodic content can provide the balance that we need in this particularly polarizing news climate.
Can you help?
Send us an email at info@policritics.com